Tuesday 3 January 2012

Homeless Objects & me

We sometimes leave things behind , and it happens spiritually . We can not see somebody else's left feelings , we can just feel them (if we can) .
I have noticed that , besides relationships , people also leave their objects . Because an object is a touchable thing and they address to our five senses , people leave them in the middle of the streets as an open air exhibition . That happens everywhere .
The look of the left objects made me kind of sad . In a way , these homeless objects started to symbolize me the reality of a finished era in a person's life , in such a tangible way . And it touched my heart :))
Here are few left object photos ı came across in Netherlands , Tunusia , Turkey and Israel (tvs , an oven , a car , a washingmachine ) .


Unknown said...

hayret.. ama gercekten cok haklisin..
en basidi.. mesela ben yeni bir ayakkabi alinca o benim oluyo ve ben ona sahipleniyorum..
bozulunca ya da kirilinca üzülüyorum.. insanlar duyguyla calistiklari icin her kücük seye bir iliski kuruyo bi duygu hissediyo o seye karsi...

ps said...

evet cok enteresan :))
birde bu yolda gordugum ama bana ait olmayan objelerede uzuldum,garip :))

Ms. Falcon said...

great post. love it.

Anonymous said...

Loving the slouchiness

x Peter @ http://low--couture.blogspot.com

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